
Masaveu Industria


Technical seminar on the stabilization and recycling of rural, agricultural and forestry roads an overwhelming success


A round of technical seminars on the stabilization and recycling of rural, agricultural and forestry roads, sponsored by Cementos Tudela Veguín and organized by the Spanish Institute for Cement and its Applications (IECA) together with the Asturian Societies of Civil Engineers, Technical Engineers in Public Works and Technical Forest Engineers, took place in Oviedo during the month of February. Companies taking part included Grupo Trasga and the National Technical Association for Ground Stabilization and Pavement Recycling (ANTER).

The aim of the event was to highlight the lack of technical attention traditionally given to agricultural, rural and forestry roads, service roads for canals, roads and livestock trails, tracks to wind farms and solar fields amongst others. In most cases, the design and construction of these were carried out by the technicians in charge of the original project. It is noteworthy that the length of the road network of low intensity traffic (ADT<50 heavy vehicles per day) exceeds that of motorways and heavy traffic roads and despite this, these roads generally show poor durability, therefore requiring frequent replacement and reinforcement works.

This, together with numerous difficulties in the area of maintenance investment and environmental aspects which in many cases lead to erosion (steep slopes, flood-prone areas, etc.) gives rise to a generally bad state of conservation. For this reason, choosing the correct solution and design is vital in guaranteeing an economical, durable, accessible and sustainable infrastructure.

During the seminars, design and implementation recommendations for the stabilization and recycling of roads were analyzed in practical terms, rendering many interesting experiences.

Masaveu Industria presented their experiences laying ASTURCON Binder, manufactured by Morteros Tudela Veguín. The presentation titled “Hydraulic binders for ground stabilization and construction of rural roads”, given by Ms Estefanía Zamanillo, Manager of the Dept. of Technology and R&D&i at Morteros Tudela Veguín, outlined the characteristics and advantages of this product and demonstrated its satisfactory use in several projects carried out to date.

The seminar was a great success, highlighting the positive reception amongst those present.

Published 3/31/14