
Masaveu Industria


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What are mortars without retraction?

    Mortars without retraction are technical products with specific formulations avoiding the characteristic volume reduction of all cement systems. In this way, when used to infill machine bedplates or anchorings, total contact between the surface is ensured, this not occurring when filled with normal mortar.

  • What is M 5 mortar?

    In accordance with the construction product directive establishing their CE marking, masonry mortar traditionally called M-20, M-40, M-80, M-100, etc. has gone on to be called M 2.5, M 5, M 7.5, M 10, etc. in compliance with standard UNE-EN 998-2. Letter M refers to “mortar” and the number to the characteristic resistance to compression, now stated as N/mm2.

  • Which is the appropriate material for tiling?

    There is an entire range of products in terms of the type of surface (horizontal or vertical), the type of support (mortar, concrete, ceramic), format and size of the piece to be placed, apart from its absorption (high, medium, low), ion such a way that it is essential to check the specific indications of each product. Our product section will provide the necessary information to guarantee the perfect choice.

  • Which is the maximum thickness for applying glue-cement in conventional uses?

    The maximum recommended thickness is 20mm. The glue-cement will lose its adherence when exceeding this thickness.

  • What does C1 internal, C1 or C2 glue-cement mean?

    In accordance with the compulsory CE marking of thin layer tile adhesives (commonly known as glue-cement), according to standard UNE-EN 12004, these will be marked in terms of values complied with by each product for the following characteristics:

  • Is damp-resisting mortar waterproof?

    No, damp-resisting mortar for masonry or rendering contains permeability reducing additives, allowing it to repel accidental water (e.g., rain), but does not it water-resistant; it only reduces its penetration capacity.

  • Should façades that will later be painted be rendered (patched) with damp-resistant mortar?


    No, since the damp-resistant mortar, in the same way as it repels rainwater, it will prevent the paint from adequately penetrating the façade.


    In a general manner, when rendering a façade that is to be painted or plastered, “normal” rendering mortar (not damp-resistant) should be used; if the façade is not going to be painted, a “damp-resistant” mortar will be used as the final finishing layer.